Nelissen is the manufacturer of antique facade brick which, in collaboration with the thermal insulation specialists at Casatherm, has completely adapted a new energy-efficient system for facade insulation called the ISO-FATADA THERMOSYSTEM.
Quality is Nelissen's top priority; therefore only strong, high-quality products are used. Our facing brick has the benefit of CE and BENOR certification.
The technical licensing department coordinates all Belgian and European activities at the WTCB (Wissenschaftlich-/Techniches Zentrum fur den Baubetrieb) (Scientific/Technical Centre for Construction Operations) and falls within the scope of the building products sid e construction system licensing approach. This technical license is recognized as a quality statement under the name 'ATG'. The name ATG implies that the building system product has been favourably evaluated and is designated with the respective technical license.
This means you can be sure of the reliable quality of ATC certified products. Please visit www.butgb.be for more information.
The ISO-FATADA THERMOSYSTEM is ATG certified and is therefore a high quality PREMIUM category product with a 10 year warranty.